The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

yozzause's blog

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Hi TFL folks anyone near OSHKOH I have a fellow Aussie Baker visiting the airshow with her partner  and she would love to have a coffee and chat with any bakers in the general area. She is currently at the Sydney  departure lounge and on her way shortly. i will pass on any details . kind regards  Derek

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Some more Lupin and Linseed with a dash of home milled pre fermented red wheat Lupin content was 20% made up with soaked splits and some Lupin Flour Linseed was 10%, Red Wheat was from refrigerated s/d excess. This dough was bigger than the last one and it wasn't till i weighed up the soaked lupin splits that i realised i was short on for the Lupin component so i decided id add Lupin Flour and also add more water for that too. I was very pleased worked like clockwork 2 hour bulk fermentation using Fresh compressed yeast @ 2% loaves weighed off at 515g each and baked in round pans


yozzause's picture

Almost qualifies for Paul's CB but not quite 

This bread idea was thrust upon me when a fellow bee keeper at a bee buddy meeting  gave me some SPENT GRAIN from a mash that he had done earlier that day for a stout brew.  I had used SPENT GRAIN before in bread and it was excellent so not wanting to waste it i knocked up  2 doughs the next morning one was a ricotta cheese and olive bread that i already had planned and the other was this Brewers Spent Grain.

i decided to do a long Bulk Fermentation of 4 hours for this one and most likely an overnight retard in the fridge. i worked out my desired formula and then used that to work out thedough size and ingredients list

the formula was set out as follows

 FLOUR 100%   








I then decided on a dough that would yield 1 x 750g  and 2 x 500g loaves so i needed 1750g of dough . i tally up the total percntages in the formula which was  189.5%

i then divide the total dough required 1750 by 189.5 the toatal percntage figure and it gives me the value of 1% for this particular recipe. In this case it was 9.234 

i then go back to the formula and apply that to each ingredient   which gives ne the recipe

FLOUR 100%                                                         924g

SALT 2%                                                                  19g                                      

MALT2%                                                                  19g

BREAD IMPROVER 0.5%                                     4.5g

CANOLA OIL 4%                                                    37g

FRESH COMPRESSED YEAST 1%                      10g

SPENT GRAIN 20%                                             184g

WATER / STOUT  60%                                        554g  (50/50)


As a quick check if you add up all the ingredients it should be very close to your desired yield.

i also used the same formula to give to Stewart and the recipe that would yield him 1000g of dough, ive included that too for comparison.its at the end of this post.

This dough mixed up nicely  and finished at the ideal 27c It was placed into a large stainless steel  saucepan that i now use for my bulk fermentation as the larger doughs have outgrown my Tupperware containers, It works well and the lid prevents any skin forming. The dough was finished mixing at 12.00 mid day  and was spot on ready at 1600 it was then scaled , handed up and given a good amount of bench rest before final shaping with the larger dough piece going into a banneton and the other two direct into heavy round 9" pans that i picked up brand new as part of a job lot at a bakery auction. All the dough containers were slipped into plastic bags to prevent drying and went into the fridge  at 17.15. 

Just prior to going to bed  at 10.30 i decided to take a peep at the sleeping beauties only to discover the bigger girl  was ready for the dance,the smaller ones looked like they were behaving . So bed time was delayed the oven cranked up to as high as it would go. The errant Banneton lady was striiped bare onto some baking paper  and lowered into the Romertoph clay baker,   I elected not to score as the plumpness of her form hinted that she might object and disappoint me.  So claybaker lid on and into the oven that was still coming up to temp.  

My thoughts turned to the disparity of the dough pieces and satisfied myself that the cane Banneton probably gave some insulation to the dough piece which was also a bigger mass for the cold of the fidge to penetrate as well as the smaller pieces sitting direct in steel pans conducting the cold quicker and more efficiently to slow the fermentation process. Not bad for brain cells that should have been turned off in slumber. The lid came off after 15 minutes, i usuall do 10 but seeing as the oven was not fully hot at the commencement seemed a good choice the lid removal revealed a nice looking loaf  and pleased me that i had forgone my bed. The oven was now dialed back to 210C for the remainder of the bake. As soon as it was onto the wire rack, oven off and light out, BED.

I was late to bed but up early, oven on  full blast again and the other two were brought from the fridge, again  they looked fairly full proofed and i did look to score and even did a little run of the blade but thought Nah! and they went in as they were i did employ the terry towel steam tray for these two for 10 minutes and it did temper the oven being on at full blast. Once the steam tray came out the dial was set on 210C.  They all looked good smelled amazing and the large loaf was destined for consumption after the seniors living longer living stronger keep fit class.It got polished off in no time and enjoyed by all! Unfortunately no pictures of its lovely open soft crumb

      the 750g loaf unscored 

from the other side showing its natural tear


all 3 loaves


together again

Stout is responsible for the colour as its white flour in this dough

inside story



The dough below is the same formula but adapted for Stewart who gave me the Spent grain as he wanted to make a 1 kg dough















malt extract




Bread Improver








yeast (fresh)




spent grain












 total %           189.5 


total dough weight  1000.4












yozzause's picture

Previously i have posted about this ghost town in outback Australia which is being rebuiilt by volunteers, One of the first restoratiuons was the underground bakery which contributes  many needed dollars for further restoration .

The works programme  lasts  a short time when volunteers gather to perform their work. Bakers are essential services and volunteers  are always needed so if you want a real adventure  a holiday in Australia and fancy a unique baking experience this could be for you in 2024. attached is the news letter recently arrived

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This morning i have done a fast bake with a 1 hour bulk fermentation time This dough is made from Fresh Milled Red Wheat, Millers 1100 Bakers Flour and Lupin Flakes from the Lupin Coi also used some of the sour dough starter that is kept in the fridge left overs after revival feeds to bring the starter amount back to a manageable size. I calculate that as half flour half water and adjust my formula to accommodate that. The advantage is of course much less waste as well as flavours that have been generated in the prolonged fermentation. In this instance the S/D starter isnt being used for the doughs fermentation that's where the added yeast is employed and the reason this is a fast dough. A hybrid in fact. the new mixer is allowing me to make larger doughs, juggling the oven is what's needed now.     

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My 1st S/D bread using my new mixer  its a 15% Garlic granules   8 hours bulk and overnight retard in the fridge 






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 In my new mixer first cab off the rank was 1800g fruit dough so about half as much again as usual. the new mixer managed it easily. I have been eating a few date recently and they are the cheapest dried fruit at our local Aldi store plus i love them  i got to think if i blitzed them in the liquidizer i could get a paste that i could use in scrolls so thats what i did, i did need to add a little water to obtain a workable paste.



going to need a bigger a bigger proofing container


dates paste showing up nicely a fine sprinkle of cinnamon sugar  was also in there. The scrolls went for our living longer living stronger exercise group on the occasion of my wife's 71 st birthday. the picture above is one of the small loaves sliced up . definitely be using the date paste again!


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 You Often see CHRISTMAS IN JULY themes  which seem to especially appeal to some of us that have moved from cold winter climates to the other side of the Equator. A better time to  enjoy a hot roast dinner and its trimmings rather than December days here  when a salad and an early morning swim at the beach which is more the norm .

Well it certainly seemed like CHRISTMAS IN JULY when this little present turned up, it wasn't wrapped in fancy paper nor adorned with a bow, but i was just as excited as you see the grand daughters when Santa has stopped by their house




 i purchased an electric  honey spinner from this mob before and it worked perfectly and helped me to harvest 18 kgs of honey fro my first year as a bee keeper (looking forward to the up and coming season with lots of flowers and weeds growing well and the warmer days returning.

i digress the Spiral mixer is 8litre or 3kg dough capacity its fairly basic with a single speed and a non removable spiral and bowl but no problem to clean especially if you do it as soon as you have finished the mix.

I have mixed 2 doughs so far  a Cinnamon Scroll dough where i used  a paste made from dates in the scrolls and the other one was a Toasted Lupin Flake dough i will pot those up soon as soon as i have reduced the picture size 



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Yesterday a fellow bee keeper and Fremantle Bee Buddy member made a batch of Stout!  it's amazing our similarities he is a Bus driver at the Palmyra depot as was I, he loves Stout as do I, Into Bee keeping as am i. Interested in Wine and vineyards as am i.  Any way i was interested in the Spent grain from the Wort process, i had used it once before when i obtained some from "Running with Thieves" boutique brewery. When i went and picked up the spent grain Stewart said he was also keen on trying to make a loaf using the spent grain so i said i'd email him a recipe which i duly did.The next morning i thought perhaps i needed to run the recipe that id put together whilst the Spent grain was still freshThe recipe is flour 500g (100) salt 10g (2) yeast 10g (2) olive oil 10g (2) spent grain 75g (15) Wallaby bread improver 2.5g (0.5) water 325g (65)Bakers% in bracketsBulk Fermentation time was 1 hour 15minutes with finished dough temperature of 26Ctotal yield 930g i made 2 small loaves.   dough after mixing completed   dough now nicely risen  another shot of the BF   the 2 baked loaves  the spent grain bits showing up in the loaf  The slice revealing the Spent Grain Footnote  i just reviewed my previous Spent grain post, .   i also included STOUT in the liquid which gave a nice chocolate colour and malty finish  it also had the spent grain at 25%  As an interesting side fact to that post the Chef loved the bread  and i did hear that "Running with Thieves" (apprpriately named it seems)  approached the small bakery nearby to see if they could make the bread for them but were not interested, shame really because i could have probably got someone to do it for them commercially.  WOW That was 2 years ago.

yozzause's picture

i made a dough today using Lupin Flakes and Lupin flour @ 25% inclusion  but this time i toasted the Lupin dry on the stove top in a skillet stirring continuously making sure it didn't burn. 

The idea was to see how it performed and tasted, i also wanted to try the dough as a pizza base too,

so here we have a 2 hour bulk fermented dough ready to take

 scaled off at 750g for the loaf, 300gfor the Pizza, and 194g for the mini loaf

 topped with Jalapeno stuffed olives, spicy pork belly salami , swiss brown mushrooms, soft fetta and finely grated cheddar 

it disappeared real fast mind you it was lunchtime


The mini loaf which is handy to give away for taste testing and evaluation


The 750g loaf 

i think the toasting of the Lupin gave a nice nutty taste and aroma. really pleased with this but its very thirsty i added lots of extra water during the mix.


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